Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year 2009

GOALS FOR MY LIFE –  It is my intention to live the life of my dreams.
Have a clear definition of what we dream and desire, knowing

how to create that reality and being grateful for all that we have
right now
, we are in a state of peace and happiness.

Live in a luxury home with luxury furnishings.

Wear luxury clothing,

Become a famous artist, practice painting 20hr per week.

Weigh less than 170 lbs, have a body that fits me.

Become financially secure, have massive amounts of cash at my fingertips.

Travel to Cahuita, Costa Rica visit with my friends and enjoy the tropical lifestyle.

Paris, France to hang out with artists and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere.

Montreal, Que, visit with my grandson, family and friends.

Toronto, Ont., visit my son

Meet a man who I can have an intimate relationship.

Meet people who are living goal oriented lives who see the importance of gratitude, and finding the good in life and in people.

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